158 research outputs found

    Modeling giant extrasolar ring systems in eclipse and the case of J1407b: sculpting by exomoons?

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    The light curve of 1SWASP J140747.93-394542.6, a \sim16 Myr old star in the Sco-Cen OB association, underwent a complex series of deep eclipses that lasted 56 days, centered on April 2007. This light curve is interpreted as the transit of a giant ring system that is filling up a fraction of the Hill sphere of an unseen secondary companion, J1407b. We fit the light curve with a model of an azimuthally symmetric ring system, including spatial scales down to the temporal limit set by the star's diameter and relative velocity. The best ring model has 37 rings and extends out to a radius of 0.6 AU (90 million km), and the rings have an estimated total mass on the order of 100MMoon100 M_{Moon}. The ring system has one clearly defined gap at 0.4 AU (61 million km), which we hypothesize is being cleared out by a <0.8M< 0.8 M_{\oplus} exosatellite orbiting around J1407b. This eclipse and model implies that we are seeing a circumplanetary disk undergoing a dynamic transition to an exosatellite-sculpted ring structure and is one of the first seen outside our Solar system.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in ApJ. Data and computer code for model at: http://github.com/mkenworthy/exoring

    Infrared Variability of the Gliese 569B System

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    Gliese 569B is a multiple brown dwarf system whose exact nature has been the subject of several investigations over the past few years. Interpretation has partially relied on infra-red photometry and spectroscopy of the resolved components of the system. We present seeing limited Ks photometry over four nights, searching for variability in this young low mass substellar system. Our photometry is consistent with other reported photometry, and we report the tentative detection of several periodic signals consistent with rotational modulation due to spots on their surfaces. The five significant periods range from 2.90 hours to 12.8 hours with peak to peak variabilities from 28 mmag to 62 mmag in the Ks band. If both components are rotating with the shortest periods, then their rotation axes are not parallel with each other, and the rotation axis of the Bb component is not perpendicular to the Ba-Bb orbital plane. If Bb has one of the longer rotational periods, then the Bb rotation axis is consistent with being parallel to the orbital axis of the Ba-Bb system.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    SPIRAL Phase A: A Prototype Integral Field Spectrograph for the AAT

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    We present details of a prototype fiber feed for use on the Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT) that uses a dedicated fiber-fed medium/high resolution (R > 10000) visible-band spectrograph to give integral field spectroscopy (IFS) of an extended object. A focal reducer couples light from the telescope to the close-packed lenslet array and fiber feed, allowing the spectrograph be used on other telescopes with the change of a single lens. By considering the properties of the fibers in the design of the spectrograph, an efficient design can be realised, and we present the first scientific results of a prototype spectrograph using a fiber feed with 37 spatial elements, namely the detection of Lithium confirming a brown dwarf candidate and IFS of the supernova remnant SN1987A.Comment: 41 pages, 15 figures, 3 tables; accepted by PAS

    Minimizing Strong Telluric Absorption in Near Infra-red Stellar Spectra

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    We have obtained high resolution spectra (R = 25000) of an A star over varying airmass to determine the effectiveness of telluric removal in the limit of high signal to noise. The near infra-red line HeI at 2.058 microns, which is a sensitive indicator of physical conditions in massive stars, supergiants, HII regions and YSOs, resides among pressure broadened telluric absorption from carbon dioxide and water vapor that varies both in time and with observed airmass. Our study shows that in the limit of bright stars at high resolution, accuracies of 5% are typical for high airmass observations (greater than 1.9), improving to a photon-limited accuracy of 2% at smaller airmasses (less than 1.15). We find that by using the continuum between telluric absorption lines of a ro-vibrational fan a photon-limited 1% accuracy is achievable.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in PAS

    Polarization dOTF: on-sky focal plane wavefront sensing

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    The differential Optical Transfer Function (dOTF) is a focal plane wavefront sensing method that uses a diversity in the pupil plane to generate two different focal plane images. The difference of their Fourier transforms recovers the complex amplitude of the pupil down to the spatial scale of the diversity. We produce two simultaneous PSF images with diversity using a polarizing filter at the edge of the telescope pupil, and a polarization camera to simultaneously record the two images. Here we present the first on-sky demonstration of polarization dOTF at the 1.0m South African Astronomical Observatory telescope in Sutherland, and our attempt to validate it with simultaneous Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor images.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, Proc. SPIE Vol. 991

    Pupil Plane Phase Apodization

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    Phase apodization coronagraphs are implemented in a pupil plane to create a dark hole in the science camera focal plane. They are successfully created as "Apodizing Phase Plates" (APPs) using classical optical manufacturing, and as "vector-APPs" using liquid-crystal patterning with essentially achromatic performance. This type of coronagraph currently delivers excellent broadband contrast (\sim105^{-5}) at small angular separations (few λ/D\lambda/D) at ground-based telescopes, owing to their insensitivity to tip/tilt errors.Comment: Invited chapter, to be published in the "Handbook of Astronomical Instrumentation", Vol. 3, eds. A. Moore and D. Burrows, WSPC (2018). 9 pages, 1 figur

    Robustness of prediction for extreme adaptive optics systems under various observing conditions: An analysis using VLT/SPHERE adaptive optics data

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    For high-contrast imaging (HCI) systems, such as VLT/SPHERE, the performance of the system at small angular separations is contaminated by the wind-driven halo in the science image. This halo is a result of the servo-lag error in the adaptive optics (AO) system due to the finite time between measuring the wavefront phase and applying the phase correction. One approach to mitigating the servo-lag error is predictive control. We aim to estimate and understand the potential on-sky performance that linear data-driven prediction would provide for VLT/SPHERE under various turbulence conditions. We used a linear minimum mean square error predictor and applied it to 27 different AO telemetry data sets from VLT/SPHERE taken over many nights under various turbulence conditions. We evaluated the performance of the predictor using residual wavefront phase variance as a performance metric. We show that prediction always results in a reduction in the temporal wavefront phase variance compared to the current VLT/SPHERE AO performance. We find an average improvement factor of 5.1 in phase variance for prediction compared to the VLT/SPHERE residuals. When comparing to an idealised VLT/SPHERE, we find an improvement factor of 2.0. Under our 27 different cases, we find the predictor results in a smaller spread of the residual temporal phase variance. Finally, we show there is no benefit to including spatial information in the predictor in contrast to what might have been expected from the frozen flow hypothesis. A purely temporal predictor is best suited for AO on VLT/SPHERE